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Bouquet of Puppies


Lillie gave birth to six girls and two boys on March 19th. We have two girls still available as pet puppies (Bonnie and Violet) and one for a guardian (Jazz)


Bonnie is a sweet little girl that is expected to be 18-22 pounds when full grown. Belly rubs are at the top of her list of favorite things. Bonnie loves to snuggle and gives excellent puppy kisses! 


Violet is expected to be 30-35 pounds when full grown. She is very human focused and would be content to spend her days at here humans side. She loves to play in the yard and adores kids. She is curious and has a good confidence level. 


To fill out an application for Bonnie or Violet, go to our Application and Cost page.


For more information on being a guardian to Jazz, please check out our guardians page and, if interested, fill out an application. We will call once we receive your application and make sure you, Jazz, and us are a good fit for each other.​

Eight Weeks Old
Seven Weeks Old
Australian Labradoodle Breeder Texas
Six Weeks Old
Dallas Labradoodle Puppy
Four Weeks Old
San Antonio Australian Labradoodle Puppy
One Week Old
Labradoodle Puppies for Sale Texas
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