The Next Generation
Ellie (North Austin Susan) and Hobie (Sweet Breeze Sheldon Poocher) had a litter of 11 puppies on June 11th. Ellie had five males and six females, with a mix of chocolate and caramel. We have one puppy available, Wes.
Wes, Week Twelve
Wes is the sweetest little boy. He is a miniature multigenerational Australian Labradoodle and will will likely end up 20-25 pounds. He is a brave boy who adores people. He likes to explore when in a new place, but checks back to make sure you are following along with him. Wes has begun basic potty and crate training. We expect great things with his training as he is a fast learner and so smart! Wes will do wonderfully in a home that wants to engage with their puppy, spending plenty of time playing with him and teaching him new things.
Week Nine
Week Seven
Week Six
Week Five
Week Four
Week Three
Week Two